Skateboard Ramps and Rails – Skateboarding Accessories

We all have seen skateboarders showing off different tricks and moves with the skateboards. They use different types of skateboard ramps and rails to learn different moves.

These are slopes that are used by different wheeling vehicles. So there are different types of ramps to skate accordingly so that we will have a clear look at them one by one. These are the accessories that make skateboarding more easy and enjoyable. 

Pyramid Ramps

So as the name shows, these ramps are pyramidal, but a flat surface replaces the upper edge. It has four sides that can slide down and do different tricks. Here you can see in the picture below a pyramid ramp.

Launch Ramp

The launch ramp is a basic ramp with a curve of 60 degrees and is used by most skateboarders because it’s a short and easy-to-learn ramp. 

These ramps can be used to learn different fips. Sometimes you will find them attached to the surface, while sometimes, they are free to move anywhere you want and practice your skateboarding.

Wave Ramp

The next ramp we will talk about is the wave ramp, which is very similar to waves in the sea. That’s why called a wave ramp. 

It has different up-and-down patterns that make you think you’re surfing while skating. This ramp helps you understand your speed while doing different stunts.

Quarter Pipe

The quarter pipe is a bit tricky because it has a 90-degree angle; that’s why it is also called a quarter pipe. It would be best to control your speed reasonably before you start working on a quarter pipe. It’s beneficial if you want to do flying tricks. 

This ramp comes in different sizes and colors so you will see a great variety around the corner.

Half Pipe

 Half combines two-quarter pipes with two walls on each side and two flat surfaces. It has different heights, between seven to fourteen feet. This is similar to a quarter pipe and helps you work on your tricks in the air.


 A spine ramp will be formed if you join two-quarter pipes back to back. This has no flat surface in between and is actually for professional skateboarders who know how to deal with these pine ramps. 

You can see in the picture below that the metal coping is also attached between the two-quarter ramps.

Kicker Ramp

These are essential ramps you will see everywhere. Every skater starts with these ramps because they are easy to handle and learn. 

The kicker ramp is similar to the launch ramp, but the former is smaller than the other.

Roll In

Roll-in ramps, again, are almost similar to quarter pipe ramps. The only difference is these are without metal coping.

 So these ramps slide down straight and hence are used for speeding up your skating.

Mega Ramps

Mega ramps are huge ramps almost the same height as three- to four-story buildings. These enormous ramps are not easy to find in a skater park or outdoors, but most people customize them.

In mega ramps, landing I almost twenty to seventy feet long, which shows this ramp is not for beginners and only pros can deal with it.

Bowl Ramp

These are also particular ramps similar to underground pools, and all the sides are closed with a flat or circular surface underneath them. 

This ramp has many shapes, colors, and sizes. You can choose the one according to your preference. This ramp is made up of both wood and concrete in different locations.

Box Ramp

So the next ramp we will talk about is a box ramp with the shape of a box and a flat top. It is a low ramp with a height of almost three to six feet. Box ramps are typically made of concrete or wood and help you learn basic tricks. 

It is further divided into the flying box, flat box, fun box, and box jump. Flying box and flat box ramps are for beginners, and only fundamental tricks can perform on them, while with a fun box ramp, you can try many different and challenging stunts. 

So fun box and box jump are an advanced form of the other box ramps.

Now let’s talk about some different types of rails. So, skateboarders also use rails to make their game more exciting and fun. Many different types of rails can be used. These rails can be made of metal, steel, and plastic. They have very different shapes and sizes. 

Rainbow Rails

Rainbow rails are usually curved in shape, so-called curved rails. These rails are easily found at any skating park and are used by many skaters to grip their moves.

Kink Rails

These are also known as handrails and have different shapes in the middle, and most of the players learn to manage their weight ad balance on these rails. 

These rails are used mainly by professional skaters who at least know how to balance on their everyday rails.

Flat Rails

Flat rails are widespread with rectangle or circular surfaces and provide an excellent chance for the player to learn many basic tricks.

These are all different types of ramps and rails used by different people around the globe to learn different moves.

Nowadays, everyone wants to be cool, and what other possible way to impress your friends and family than showing off your fancy moves on these attractive ramps and rails? 

You can find many of these ramps around your community or in a skating park plus, you can also make one at your home by buying the skateboard ramps kit that is sometimes on sale.

Skateboard Ramps DIY – Foundation – Framing – Positioning – Coping – SheathingPainting

Sometimes it takes work to go out and skate on outdoor ramps so that you can diy your skateboard ramps at home. To make a ramp, you only need a giant plywood board, some screws, cutting boards, etc. So let’s start our diy of a mini ramp in different steps.

Step 1: The Foundation

First, you must set the floor with a concrete footing and then set the foundation on it. You can mark the area you want to use to make your ramp. Foundation is essential because the whole ramp will stand on it, and if you put less effort into your foundation and it is not good, then all other hard work you will be doing next is all in vain. 

So be patient and do everything to make a perfect foundation. You should take it seriously because all the ramps will stand on this foundation, so this should be perfect.

Step 2: Framing The Quarter Pipes

As we make a quarter pipes ramp, we need four quarter pipes, two of which are eight 8 feet wide while the other two are smaller and four feet. We will attach them together to make a total width of 12 feet. The next step is to attach frames. 

Step 3: Positioning, Leveling, And Squaring

Now we have to set the quarter pipes on the destination where we want our ramp. So we need to position them so that they are square to each other and make a quarter shape. 

After you are done placing the pipes, now it’s time for the concrete floor to give great support to the ramp.

You may need to adjust your concrete footings in some places to balance everything out, but that’s relatively easy and easy to do.

Step 4: The Steel Coping

Now that plywood is in place, and we have launched the concrete footings, we need to do steel coping to allow the skater to slide during the ride. This is a bit tricky as drilling through the steel is challenging, but I’m sure you will be able to manage to finish it.

Step 5: Plywood Sheathing

So now it’s time to sheath all ramp with plywood. You can start from either side of the ramp and go to the other side. This step will need two people at a time, so make sure you have help during this step. 

To make your ride smooth. People use a different material on the top layer that suits their budget, but most people use thick plywood as it’s cheap and reliable.

Step 6: Painting

As we are done with most of the work, it’s okay if we leave it like that, but it will not last long due to severe weather and rain, so to prevent that, it’s better to paint it with good quality paint. 

You can use any color you like, but it’s good if you use similar to your house color. You may need to wait a week or two to let it dry very well.

 So you can use this link to order a skateboard ramp kit according to your preference. You can even find many skateboard ramps for sale and save some money. 

You can also get used skateboard ramps for sale in excellent condition that may cost you half the money than the new one.


So after reading this article, you know almost all about different types of skateboard ramps and rails; in the end, you can pick the best combination that suits you. 

And, of course, these ramps and rails will add so much new stuff to your skating, plus you can learn many new tricks and moves by using these rails and ramps.

 Moreover, you can enjoy your ramp by making a diy ramp that is easy to access, and you don’t have to go out to the park to ride with your skateboard.

Skateboarding is more enjoyable with all these rails and ramps. If you love skateboarding, you must try all different types of ramps once in your life because that’s the actual meaning of loving something plus, you can make many mini ramps just by sitting in your room and making a dreamy ramp for yourself. 

We hope you get all the information you were looking for in this article.


1. Do I need to paint my ramp?

No, you don’t need to paint your ramp, and if you don’t want to paint it, then it’s alright. Paint if only to provide it some extra protection from heat, cold, and rain, and if you apply an extra coating of paint, then your ramp will last longer and will not destroy quickly.

2. What type of material is used for skateboard ramps and rails?

Most skateboard ramps are made up of plywood, and most people like it because it’s affordable and lasts long.

3. What are skateboarding ramps called?

Skateboarding ramps are commonly referred to as “half-pipes” or “vert ramps.” A half-pipe is a ramp with two halves that meet in the middle, resembling a pipe cut in half. Vert ramps have curved walls and usually include coping on top for grinding tricks. 

4. Why use skateboard rails?

Skateboard rails can be used to perform tricks and add an extra element of challenge to skateboarding. Rails provide a smooth surface that allows skaters to slide, grind, and flip their boards in ways they wouldn’t be able to do on flat ground. 

5. What are the different types of skateboard ramps?

There are several different types of skateboard ramps, including quarter pipes, spines, and launch ramps. Quarter pipes are typically two sides of a ramp that meet in the middle at a 90-degree angle. Spines are similar to half-pipes but have an additional center ridge for grinding tricks. 

6. How to build a skateboard ramp at home?

Building a skateboard ramp at home can be a fun and rewarding project. Before starting, it’s important to familiarize yourself with local laws regarding building a ramp in your area. When ready to begin, you will need supplies such as plywood, two-by-fours, screws or nails and concrete mix for the foundation.