How To Ollie Higher On A Skateboard -progress your skills

When you first start skateboarding, Ollie is the very first trick that needs to be learned. You need to know how to Ollie Higher on a Skateboard. It’s nothing more than a simple jump, but this essential skill will help with everything else and should never escape your memory as long as we’re on our boards. But how does one do an “Ollie”?

In 1976 Alan Gelfand had his excellent idea of inventing a new method for performing airs in the pool without needing to grab their board while airborne by leading it into the air and then keeping it under feet at all times like magic. Sounds easy, doesn’t it?

Skateboarding is now all thanks to one man, but he didn’t start that way. Rodney Mullen was so impressed by Alan Gerfalds’ invention that he began the “Ollie” and brought it into street skating five years later in 1982. After being inspired by him, they were demoing their skateboard tricks for other competitors who wanted coolness on theirs. 

This foundation of everything Skateboards are known today can be attributed back-to king ollie solely. Imagine getting off your board completely vertical and then doing an aerial 1080 before landing again directly facing down. 

Skateboarding Skills

If you want to try an ollie, you should have these skateboarding skills:


One of the essential skills in skateboarding is turning. Skaters can rotate 180 degrees by using their heels to push off from, then moving them forward enough.

For your feet to reach farther behind than ahead on your board, this will redirect its direction and allow skaters to go where they want without having any trouble changing paths mid-air!

Maneuvering between different obstacles requires precise timing so make sure when doing kick turns, always keep eye contact with whatever may be coming up next due to time pressure might cause us to lose focus. 


If you want to stop quickly, heel-dragging is your best bet. Simply place one foot so that the heel rests against the edge of a board and allow it to drag on the ground.

While leaning back with the other leg until it comes up short or crashes into something else, this friction causes gravity to act as brakes, bringing any sliding object (like a skateboard) under complete control.

Practice makes perfect, but these techniques will help riders avoid crashing into things like trees once mastered.

Pushing off

Pushing off is a fundamental skill for any skateboarder. After all, it’s the one chance you have to make your luck as opposed to waiting around with nothing but time on your hands! To push off successfully and get moving quickly forward or backward requires two things. 

Firstly, place both feet onto an empty board in front of yourself to position them at equal angles. It is secondly, bend knees slightly while increasing speed until reaching the desired level.

Finally, bringing up the non-dominant leg will allow enough momentum to keep rolling without having anything else holding them back. This final action could be referred to as pushing down into something solid. 

How To Ollie Higher On A Skateboard Stepwise Guide

Following are the steps for the Ollie tricks.

Step 1

The back foot is positioned in the middle of your board and tail. It means you’ll need to balance on one side while keeping both feet planted firmly against it with just enough force so that when they release from their position, everything will stay put for a smooth ride.

Step 2

To get yourself and the board off the ground, push your back foot down quickly while making a “pop” sound.

Step 3

After the tail hits the ground, jump upward and simultaneously slide your front foot from between both boards.

It is how you’ll know if someone’s trying to steal your board.

Step 4

Ollieing is an essential move in skateboarding that allows you to jump higher and longer than standing on flat ground. To ollie, firstly press down hard with your front foot.

So as not the slide off of the board at any point during this motion. Shift all weight towards it before springing back up again by simultaneously popping the tail end while jumping upwards using exact foot placement from where we were prior-as though riding a bike without training wheels.

Step 5

Now you’re over the jump with both trucks up in the air. At this point, prepare yourself for landing.

Step 6

When you’re learning, it’s essential to keep your balance and not fall. Try landing on both feet over the bolts of your trucks or with a little bit more than half of yourself hanging off the board at all times while still managing some forward momentum for stability; if possible, try strolling drunk style.

Step 7

When you’re landing, make sure to bend your knees and keep the weight yourself distributed. This will cushion any impact on what would have been hard ground otherwise.

You can also use this technique when jumping over something like an obstacle in order not only to protect yourself but get extra height too- which means more distance for another jump later. 

Will the skateboard get off the ground?

One problem you might have is that the first time, your ollies are too high and dangerous. Sometimes this happens when jumping off a giant ramp or something with a lot of height to it – they don’t need to be meter tall.

Instead, take some extra safety measures by practicing steps 2-4 from our trick tip: make sure there aren’t any obstacles in front of where will land before executing an OLLI (or at least clear them). So next time, instead of going for broke, try landing softly on two feet instead of fours like most pros do.

Skateboard Slips Away From your Feet, or it Spins out of Control. 

The ollie is a skating move that can be difficult to master. But with these four tips, you’ll soon find yourself jumping over obstacles and executing perfect heelflips!

  1. Make sure the board has at least one foot on solid ground before starting. 
  2. Do all of its parts – trucks (two small metal plates near each wheel), wheels (6 inches wide), rubber pads underneath them called “trucks”), etc. 
  3.  Hold onto something sturdy like railings or overhead handlebars 4a/b ) First Practice- Stand next time while holding tightly 5ft away from the wall opposite the truck. 

Final Verdict

Ollie’s height is determined by keeping the right balance between feet and body while jumping. Ollie’s height is a direct result of his regular practice.

Be sure to wear all protective gear as you may fall several times during the learning phase, so wearing safety gear will help you avoid minor injuries. Thanks, for reading how to ollie higher on a skateboard.

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